Precise, Effective Treatments
In today's world, it's easy to be a DIY hero. However termites are a pest that should only be treated by a licensed professional.
Every product B&C Exterminating utilizes for termite extermination is EPA-approved. We use two main insecticides to wipe out termite colonies. The best product is Fipronil (Termidor). It is the only product on the market that has been 100% effective in all the USDA test sites. Termidor offers 100% elimination of colonies in 90 days or less, up to 6 times faster than baiting systems. Termidor kills by ingestion, contact, and by termite-to termite-transfer, whereby affected insects spread the termiticide throughout the colony before dying themselves. It is the best termite treatment to date.
We also offer termite treatments using Imidacloprid (Dominion), which is also an excellent pesticide and a little more budget friendly.
While there is no required license or training for termite inspectors in Virginia, B&C Exterminating retains four Virginia Pest Management Association Certified Wood Destroying Insect Inspectors on staff who have voluntarily completed additional training. Each inspector is classroom trained and tested to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge to perform and accurately report termite inspections. Click here to learn more about the VPMA WDI Inspector program and to search for certified inspectors.